Heartline Maternity Center

Run For Life Haiti


Heartline Maternity Center provides pre-natal, birth, and early childhood education to women in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Australian Barry McDonald set out to run 315 miles across Haiti over twelve days, to raise support and awareness for maternal healthcare in Haiti. The run became a true team effort as Barry's body and mind struggled to cover the distance and complete the run.

Me at the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake.

Me at the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake.

  • Medical Team: Jen Halverson & Laura Hernick

    Support Team: Ryan & Melissa Alberts, Bec McDonald, Andy Kuipers, Jeff Denlinger, Nick Middelton, Joel Thomas, Josh Busby, Beth McHoul, Troy & Tara Livesay, Pierre Valcourt, Abraham Cadet, Arsene Junior Joseph, Andrema Jean, Colins Harrison.

    Editor: Todd Johnson

    Audio Mixer: Dan Kramer

    Music: Robbie Seay Band and BWN Music


Waxing the City